What are the Most Important Pages For Your Business Website? image
Once you decided that you need to take your business operations online, you certainly though about web design. Indeed having a website designed for your business is an important step toward establishing a meaningful online presence. If this will be your first business site, you must be wondering about its constitution in terms of important web pages. This article explains some useful pages that a business site should have.

A Landing Page

A landing page plays a very critical role in the success of your business sales processes. Typically, markets target this page with their SEO as well as PPC efforts. It is where organic or PPC traffic may "land" first before deciding whether to explore your site further or just leave. Make sure this page is set up so that it can direct your visitors to website sections from which they can perform the intended action, including making purchases, subscribing, ordering etc. Explore more wisdom about Logo Design.

A Testimonials Page

Most website visitors want to know if you really have a reputation out there, and whether they can count on the quality of your services or products. They may do their research elsewhere, but they may also use some positive testimonials. So, include a testimonials page where past or current clients review your products/services. What prospects read on that page may inspire a purchase decision.

Services Page

This is one of the most obvious web pages. It contains a list of all your services or products. Make sure to briefly describe these services in a feature/benefit format. Highlight the special qualities of your product offerings. It's common for a service page to include only an introduction for each product while linking to another page that provides full information.   To remark the understanding about eCommerce Web Design , visit the link.
Contact Us

The "Contact Us" page may contain just a few lines for your address, telephone number, and email address, but it's one of the most important. Keep in mind that prospects need not buy the first time. So you need to provide a way for curious potential buyers to ask questions and get answers that can inspire them to buy.

Home Page

Home Page is basically the main page that serves as the face of your business. It's the platform from which visitors may navigate to other sections of your business site. Seek more info about internet marketing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_advertising.

About Us

The About Us page is all concerned with what you do for business. You may include a brief background as well as company mission and vision here.

The above are pretty much the basic pages a web design should incorporate.